Heritage in the spotlight Timișoara / Spotlight Heritage Timisoara is a cultural digital initiative of Politehnica University of Timisoara through the e-Learning Centre and The Multimedia Centre realized in partnership with the National Museum of Banat. , part of the Cultural Program Timișoara European Capital of Culture. Cultural project co-financed by the City Hall of Timișoara, The Timiș County Council, Ministry of Culture and National Identity
Development and production: Politehnica University of Timișoara - Diana Andone, Silviu Vert, Vlad Mihăescu, Mugur Mocofan, Radu Vasiu, Daniela Stoica and students from the 4th year of the Bachelor specialization of Multimedia Technologies and 1st year students from the Master in Multimedia Technologies
Concept – Politehnica University of Timișoara - Diana Andone
Mobile application development: Cobalt Sign Timisoara
Website: Design MMD
Augmented Reality application development: Politehnica University of Timișoara – Duică Cristian, Silviu Berzescu, Silviu Vert, Daniela Stoica
Texts developed for Landmarks and Selected Images (postcards, photographs, paintings, engravings, lithographs): The National Museum of Banat - Marius Cornea (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022), Zoran Markov and Ciprian Glăvan (2020, 2021, 2022), Raoul-Marius Șeptilici (2019) (except where other sources are mentioned), information and text on architecture – Cristian Blidariu, Gabriela Pașcu, Diana Belci – Facultatea de Arhitectură, Politehnica University of Timișoara (2020, 2021, 2022).
2023 - Concept exhibition "Heritage in the spotlight Timisoara. Giroc neighborhood - Parallel Lights" May 12 - October 01, 2023 - National Museum of Banat: Marius Cornea
2022 - Concept of the exhibition „Spotlight Heritage Timișoara. Cetate Neighbourhood - A world in the mirror" 5 July - 31 August 2022 -The National Museum of Banat: Marius Cornea
2021 - Concept of the exhibition „Spotlight Heritage Timișoara. Fabric Neighbourhood Fabric Neighbourhood - Worlds beyond Destinies” 15 July - 30 September 2021 - National Museum of Banat: Marius Cornea
2020 - Concept of the exhibition „Spotlight Heritage Timișoara. Elisabetin Neighbourhood and Netti dr. Diel - A world in a chest" , 13 November 2020 - 28 February 2021 - The National Museum of Banat: Marius Cornea
2019 - Concept of the exhibition „Spotlight Heritage Timișoara. Iosefin Neighbourhood and Valeria dr. Pintea - a novel in an exhibition", 8 November 2019 - 31 January 2020 - The National Museum of Banat: Marius Cornea
Memories contain:
2022, Cetate - the selection of literary texts collected by Prof.univ.dr. Smaranda Vultur and by assist.univ.dr. Roxana Rogobete, the memories of Timisoara's oral history, valorized by the Oral History and Cultural Anthropology Group, the original poems, created for Patrimoniul sub Reflectoare Timișoara, by the Timisoara poet Robert Șerban. Photographs, documents, objects from the collection of Prof. Smaranda Vultur, Oral History and Cultural Anthropology Group
2021, Fabric - personal histories of the inhabitants interviewed by the team coordinated by prof.univ.dr. Smaranda Vultur, coordinator of the Oral History and Cultural Anthropology Group
2020, Elisabetin - excerpts from "Family Diary", manuscript by prof.dr. Pia Brânzeu, selected by Marius Cornea and offered by the author by assigning the rights to use them. Photos, documents, objects from the collection of prof.dr. Pia Brânzeu and the collections of the National Museum of Banat
2019, Iosefin - excerpts from the novel Valeria dr. Pintea (author: Liana Maria Gomboșiu, Timișoara, Marineasa Publishing House, 2013), selected by Marius Cornea and offered by the author by assigning the rights to use them. English translation - Alexandra Născuțiu Born
Community contains texts, images - authors and attribution are noted for each one
English translation of texts: Polytechnic University of Timisoara - Maria Marițescu, Lect univ. dr. Annamaria Kilyeni, Sonia Tămășan
Graphics: Rafael Leucuța, Marius Tătaru and Cobalt Sign
Pictures: Rafael Leucuța and the students from the 4th year of the Bachelor specialization of Multimedia Technologies and 1st year students from the Master in Multimedia Technologies, Milan Șepețan (National Museum of Banat), Oral History and Cultural Anthropology Group (2021)
Video: Rafael Leucuta, Teleuniversity TV, George Bufan drone video (2021, 2022)
Communication and financing: Politehnica University of Timișoara – Maria Marițescu, Renate Iovi, Poliana Ilinca, The National Museum of Banat Alexandra Gordana Marian, Christine Harnischfeger, Timisoara Project Centre - Anderka-Maria Iancea, Curator Timisoara 2023 - Cosmina Goagea
Logistics: Politehnica Timișoara Foundation

Spotlight Heritage Timisoara project is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.