The Elisabetin district in different stages of the past, under the Timisoara spotlight The third dance show, which took place in...
On the occasion of Romania's National Day, ICR Warsaw, the Romanian Embassy in the Republic of Poland, the Polytechnic University of Timișoara and the National Museum of...
The project "Spotlighting Timișoara's Heritage through Dance/ Discover Timișoara's Heritage in dance steps" has come to an end Timișoara is, through...
The promotion and enhancement of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the city of Timisoara continues at international level, the project Heritage under the Spotlight Timisoara...
The Cetate neighborhood. A world in the mirror - The last dance show in 2022, using digital technology and elements of augmented reality
Innovative technical solutions, VR technologies and an exceptional intercultural experience "Virtual exhibition Spotlight Heritage Timisoara in Novi Sad - Виртуелна...
Exhibition Spotlight Heritage Timisoara in Kaunas - Virtuali parda "Spotlight Heritage" Kaunas brought together hundreds of visitors, innovative technical solutions,...
Spotlighting Timisoara's Heritage through Dance Discover Timisoara's heritage in a dance step The Cetate Quarter - A world in the mirror Show...
Two distinct but completely opposite worlds have met through a student with a passion for vintage and a passion for...
Innovative technical solutions, VR technologies and an exceptional intercultural experience "Exhibition Spotlight Heritage Timisoara in Kaunas" is a digital exhibition...