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excerpts from the novell Valeria dr. Pintea

The life of the Iosefin neighborhood of Timișoara is illustrated by the history of Valeria Dr. Pintea (1893 - 1984).

Born in Lugoj in the family of Isidor and Olga Chirița, Valeria married doctor Vasile Pintea in 1913 and settled in the Iosefin neighborhood of Timișoara, where she died in 1984 at the age of 91. 

We are searching for Valerie's missing world, in the realm of the POVEȘTILOR DESPRE UNUL DINTRE CEI MULȚI (STORIES ABOUT ONE OF THE MANY) in the Iosefin neighborhood.

Excerpts from the novel Valeria Dr. Pintea(author: Liana Maria Gomboșiu, Timișoara, Marineasa Publishing House, 2013), provided by the author
The Palace Of Water

When I started writing this book, I thought first of all about portraying my grandmother, about taking her out of anonymity....

The Palace of the Southern Region Casino

For a long time, the family was big and spread through various settlements of Banat and Transylvania. For years, four generations lived in the same time, great-grandparents ...


Valeria always prepared with real glitter and lot of enthusiasm the Christmas and Easter celebration, when many persons from the family ...

Iosefin Residence - the first residence of Valeria Pintea

Life went on in the building in no. 8 Asaneşti Place according to the order ...

The Second Residence of Valeria Pintea

In the house at 2 Gojdu Street, the grandmother has crammed disparate pieces of salvaged furniture from the six rooms previously occupied, and Buna...

Hochstrasser Palace

Throughout her life, Valeria has told stories about herself to many people close to her and even less close to her - ...

The Roman Catholic Church

In 1981 my mother celebrated in Timisoara the 50th anniversary of her graduation from Notre Dame High School. Joli Schemmel, a former classmate...

The Iosefin Market

The schedule set by my grandmother began on the morning of the first day after my arrival, at a fast pace, as if Valerie was afraid...

Kandia Chocolate Factory

My grandmother was full of a youthful happiness – she was about to become three times twenty five, as her son Valeriu told her ...

The firehouse in Iosefin

Valeria Pintea never forgot Lugoj, but to Timişoara she was extremely attached and this was her town until the end of her life. She knew every neighborhood because, ...

The Iosefin Synagogue

For a long time, the family was big and spread through various settlements of Banat and Transylvania. For years, four generations lived in the same time, great-grandparents ...

The Iron Bridge from Iosefin

Undoubtedly, we were very ridiculous and weird, crossing the entire Iosefin district, Lerică dressed in Tyrolese short leather trousers,...
