The community writes the history of a neighborhood, of a city.
In COMMUNITY we find information from the history of neighborhoods, communities, ethnicities, organizations that have been or are present in the Iosefin neighbourhood.
We invite all the communities, organizations, but also the inhabitants or tourists of Iosefin to send us information, stories, through YOUR STORY, which will then be found here.
Did you live in a building? Have you visited it? Do you have memories of a building or an area in Timisoara's neighbourhoods?
Have you dated your girlfriend in front of it? Or do you know someone who has a story about Timisoara's neighbourhoods?
Share your memories HERE and you will find your memories in the COMMUNITY section of each LANDMARK!
You can enter a text, upload pictures, sounds or videos (limited), write your name and email address so we know how to contact you.
We will get in touch with you to decide together how Your Story will be included in Spotlight Heritage.